As shipping and importing a Tynee board from overseas back to China is much costly, we don't provide return for Tynee boards shipped or delivered.

Generally, you can cancel your order and get refund only when the products are not shipped yet. And you need to email and we will refund you very fast, usually the same day when we read your email of request. 
However, due to differences in time zones and holidays, we may not see your order cancellation email in a timely manner. Your order may still be automatically shipped by the system, and we cannot return it in this case. Please understand it.

* Please ensure that the shipping address you provided is correct. If your address is incorrect, your package will be lost. Any loss caused by the recipient filling in the wrong address, or not picking up the package upon arrival, or rejecting the package, shall be borne by the recipient.

              CANCEL YOUR ORDER

      You can request a cancellation for a refund, as long as your order has not been shipped. 
      • If you would like to cancel an order, please contact our Customer Support team via live chat on our webpage, or email us at with your order number & order email.
      • Orders will be refunded within 7 business days after your cancellation request is received.