James M.
The Best fitting belts for Tynee Boards! Aiden and the Tynee team were more than helpful and provided extra belts after I was having issues.
Jayden B.
Always simple and great love my mini 2 done over 1000 miles in a year!
Michael C.
Feels like good quality belts.
JaDarius T.
You should definitely buy extra belts for your board just in case one of them snaps! You never know when you need em so it's good to keep extras on a long trip! DO NOT RIDE THESE IN THE RAIN AS THEY ARE MORE LIKELY TO SNAP! Or do if you want an excuse to support Tynee!
Jon A.
Factory Belts are the Best
Anthony P.
Very informative when and response quick
Alexandru H.
Good quality belts. Bought them for Tynee Mini 2. The last pair lasted over 1000km. The key is to keep 'em loose.
Marco M.
Good quality product!
Jesse C.
Lesson learned it's important to buy more belts as extra precaution you never know when the backup that came with the box will ever be enough.
jean marie a.
Good belts . the belts gived with the explorer was a little bit too long (360) so i cannot thighten them. In 355 it's perfect.
Mor D.
I sassi mi stanno fottendo le cinghie
Ragazzi se volete acquistare un tynee mini vi consiglio tynee mini 3, almeno così le cinghie vi durano molto tempo :).
In media mi si rompe una cinghia ogni 15 giorni
Mor D.
Le cinghie sono di ottima qualità, per a causa delle piccole sassolini che si trovano in strada spesso vicino la linea bianca della corsia di destra che a volte sono anche affilati di solito ne becco uno proprio tra la cinghia e la puleggia una volta li se acceleri o freni si rompe. Per fortuna Aiden a trovato la soluzione in tynee mini 3, così risparmi sulle cinghie, io che uso tynee mini 2 né consumo molti cinghie in media ne consumo una cinghia ogni 15 giorni ♂️
Tom S.
Good belts don’t use in the rain though
Jonathan G.
Lowest prices I could find and good quality. I go through a decent amount since I take my explorer off road and hit rocks often so worth it to have some extra on hand!
Allan K.
It didn’t arrive with the board.
Ines P.
the delivery is pretty fast thanks
Elian S.
Adore this company and the customer service provided. Quick responses, POSSIBLY with a minor language barrier (?) but the answers are clear and concise. As for the product itself, the belts seem VERY durable with about a 15-20 mile ride every single day! Also, the packaging was perfect. An actual appropriate amount of cardboard for these belts. They just came in a tiny little box, as they should, unlike one big name brand we know that has two day shipping :). Love you guys! Keep up the incredible work!